Summer has come and gone, even though we are still sweating our tushies off over here in Sicily!!
We are getting by and embracing the heat, before it all comes to an end and we are pulling out our
heavy gear. August is the month when the entire country of Italy goes on stand-by for 2 weeks to jet
off to the closest beach for what they call ferragosto: a time when you spend your days and nights
at the beach: “taking the sun” (the Italian-English translation for sunbathing) during the day, and
dancing the night away, sipping on vodka lemons or gin tonics. Being in Sicily during this time is
perfection: there are endless beaches to discover with breathtaking views and grottos and there are the
most beautiful restaurants by the sea that serve classic Italian dishes with the freshest seafood you can
find on the Mediterranean. It’s a time when you feel young, wild and free. Days turn into nights and
nights into days and you live each day excited to see what the next one will bring.
On one of these exciting days we decided to go on a little road trip to Isola Bella, which means beautiful island: a perfect description for a picturesque destination. It is situated directly below Taormina, which is simply the most fabulous town in Sicily. With the beats blasting, sunroof open and the sun shining down, we knew it was going to be a good day. Nicola decided to go for a very casual, almost “Johnny Depp” inspired look with a straw, flat brimmed hat, beige graphic tee with non other then her inspiration in life, Audrey Hepburn (in Breakfast at Tiffany’s) on the front, and a pair of black shorts. Stephanie, on the other hand, went for the more “I’m on a yacht” inspired look, with a loose long collared shirt, buttoned down the back, which is very “in” right now. A pair of jean shorts completed the look and provided that extra bit of coverage, in case the wind picked up.
We spent the day on the very rocky, pebble stone beach, looking out on the Mediterranean Sea, with Isola Bella as a backdrop. We also enjoyed a boat tour around the island, looking into the grottos, listening to the music we had brought on board, thanks to the Bose speaker, and jumped over board to take a dip in the crystal clear waters. It was the perfect day, ending in the best way possible with a gelato from C&G, which was “to die for”. Summers in Sicily are simply magical.

xo Nicola & Stephanie