The house of DVF took you into the world of Diane von Furstenberg. DVF opens her
doors to her empire her head office in New York to 13 aspiring women who want
to make it in the world of fashion. They fight each other sometimes with class
other times with grit and grime to become ambassador of this sensational brand.
The last 3 girls who made it to the end all showed promise a competitive spirit
and a great work ethic sometimes bring them close to go home.

Brittany Hampton, the winner of the show was a bit
controversial many viewers the girls in the competition as well as DVF’s right
hands Stefani and Jessica were not thrilled to have Brittany apart of the DVF
family. However Diane saw her potential charisma and drive giving her a warning
to only bring out her best self and leave the nasty Brittany at home. It was
her experience style and drive that brought her to become the winner. We
believe she will do DVF proud and become a fabulous representative of DVF so long
as she checks her ego at the door.
Amanda Schauer second runner up in this competition to
become Ambassador. I would say the under dog of the top three contestants
however the most poised and the most sweet and kind of everyone in the
competition. DVF felt though that she was a bit to soft spoken quiet and unexperienced to be a part of her empire. Diane showed great enthusiasm for
Amanda and her future.
Kier Mellour the known “Bitch” of the group powered her way
to the top three. She new backed down and always stood up for her self coming
across as egocentric you could still see her passion and contentment in how
much she wanted this position. Unfortunately through out the show you could see
her emotions get the best of her which was to much evidence to her immaturity
for Diane to be able to consider her to become apart of her empire.
It was such an inspiring show and a glimpse of the lives we
would love to have.
DVF is such an incredible women and she proves this in her
book, The Woman I Wanted to Be. It is a great read for any and all women who wish to
see there full self come to fruition.
xo Nicola & Stephanie